Outdoor Gear

Outdoor Gear

Handy gadgets for your next adventures!
11 products
Trail Pack
Sale price$85.00 NZD
Dog Treat Pouch
Sale price$42.00 NZD
Backcountry Travel Dog Bowl
Sale price$36.00 NZD
Sold out
LED Dog Collar Light LED Dog Collar Light
LED Dog Collar Light
Sale price$42.00 NZD
The Explorer Dog Food Travel Bag
Sale price$42.00 NZD
Stainless Steel Dog Bowl
Sale priceFrom $65.00 NZD
Basecamp Dog Camping Zipline
Sale price$185.00 NZD
Dog Raincoat Milford
Sale price$165.00 NZD
Pro Trainer Dog Treat Pouch
Sale price$75.00 NZD
Arctic Sammy Adventure Dog Harness
Sale price$75.00 NZD

Arctic Sammy

About Outdoor Gear

Outdoor gear for your best friend! Whether it’s feeding them on the go, lighting up the area for night time adventures, keeping them dry in the rain, or an extended outing as you camp in the wilderness, we’ve got something to make life easier for the both of you. All of our outdoor dog products and dog accessories are made to enjoy a variety of activities and environments. 

So take a look above at the full range of convenient adventure enhancers and let’s get you out and about and making the best possible memories for both you and your dog. It’s as simple as ordering the outdoor gear online to your door.